Dear Andreas, maybe this one is more "Stefan" ... shot just a few days ago in my neighborhood Williamsburg/Brooklyn. But you are right, I need to edit better and show less ...
I think the instant availability of images and instant publishing leads to a lot of unthoughtful presentations all around these days (including by myself). But it also has the advantage that one can put out some photography work quickly and see how it works ... maybe the project ("One Day", Kehrer Verlag) you were talking about in your last post should have gone through an online test run ... most of those photos tell me absolutely nothing, but I guess I had to see the whole book case in order to judge it for myself.
The New York Photo Festival 2011 starts tonight and I will be there as much as possible and you'll hear about it right here. It is curated by ENRICO BOSSAN and ELISABETH BIONDI this year, should be very interesting ...
posted by Stefan Falke
1 Kommentar:
Ein sehr schöner Falke. Bin gespannt was du vom Fotofestival berichtest - und solltest du Elisabeth Biondi treffen, sage ihr schöne Grüße ...Best Andreas
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